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My 100 life goal list

This post is inspired by Below Zero to Hero, where I first discovered the list. The idea is simply to list 100 items you want to accomplish in your life. They can be small things, big things or totally funny things — it doesn’t matter, only what you really want.

So, this is my 100 life goal list. In my life, I want to (in no special order):

  1. Get married (done x2)
  2. Get independent (done)
  3. Get laid (done)
  4. Buy a sword (done)
  5. Own a Black Lotus
  6. Own nice cat or cats (done)
  7. Swim in a cool lake on a beautiful summer day (done)
  8. Create a successful business (done)
  9. Surround myself with people that are smarter and more talented than myself (done)
  10. Be a respectable leader (done… well, sort of)
  11. Own a aesthetically nice place where to live (done)
  12. Own a lovable dog (done x2)
  13. Have some nice children (done x2)
  14. Stay married & love my wife (done x2)
  15. Continue building awesome webpages (done)
  16. Continue writing (done)
  17. Get a huge cool tattoo (done)
  18. Never to worry about the cost of living or healthcare (done)
  19. Always be able to select commodity over price (done)
  20. Help those who have helped me (done)
  21. Grow a long hair (done)
  22. Get photographed (done)
  23. Get healthy (done)
  24. Paint more
  25. Learn to sculpt like a master
  26. Play more videogames (done)
  27. Speak on a TED talk
  28. Read more inspirational books (done)
  29. Run a marathon
  30. Help my kids to become smarter than me (done ;))
  31. Write a book (done x4)
  32. Earn passive income stream (done)
  33. Solve the problems of the past (done)
  34. Be true to myself, my values and my way of life (done)
  35. Not to accept evil, mean or demeaning behavior towards me, my loved ones or people who trust on me (done)
  36. Visit Iceland (done)
  37. Visit Iceland, again
  38. Own a summer cottage beside a lake
  39. Have zero personal debt (done)
  40. Write a Science Fiction novel (done)
  41. Do some wood carving (done)
  42. Get a MSc (done)
  43. Own a gold bar (done)
  44. Get 100 or more active subscriber on my personal blog (done)
  45. Get in TV (done)
  46. Get on a top diamond 1vs1 league in StarCraft 2 (done)
  47. Get on a top diamond 1vs1 league in StarCraft 2, again (done)
  48. Shoot with a Barrett 0.5
  49. Catch more fish (done)
  50. Finish the 100 list.

Hmm, producing a list of 100 isn’t that easy after all.

I will update this list when I manage to complete items, or when my goals change.